Living Color: Painting, Writing, and the Bones of Seeing

Explore your creativity with Natalie Goldberg’s newly revised and expanded book Living Color: Painting, Writing, and the Bones of Seeing.

First published in 1996, Living Color: A Writer Paints Her World focused on living a more creative life. Seventeen years later, the expanded and revised edition of Living Color: Painting, Writing, and the Bones of Seeing includes:

  • All 12 original essays on art and life
  • A new introduction on how Natalie’s work in both art and writing has evolved
  • A new essay documenting her work with abstract art
  • 75 new paintings to swoon over
  • 22 never-before-shared hands-on exercises to help readers become artistically involved with their own environments

Goldberg’s exceptional writing and her approach to making art will speak volumes to a new generation of aspiring artists and to those who dream of leading a more creative life.